Friday, July 4, 2014


I'm waiting for the other shoe to it seems to always do. Is it okay to exhale?

Is it okay to breathe that deep sigh of relief, not knowing if everything will turn out just as I want it to?

Or am I better served to wait until they're all grown-up and on their own? When they're completely responsible for their own choices...

Is it okay to exhale and leave them in the hands of their Father?

Is it okay to exhale and remember the words emblazoned on my ring from Romans 8:28, "And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Is it okay to exhale and know that He will use their lives, their experiences, their situations for His glory and their good?

Yes, I believe I can exhale. I believe I can breathe deeply, safely tucked in the embrace of knowledge that God makes all things new. He works all things for His glory...

The good, the messy, the ugly, the happy, the sad, even the disappointments. The trials, the tests, the rejoicing testimonies.

It's easy for me now to look back on my life now and see how each and every circumstance led me to a deeper reverence for You. 

Thank You for holding my future and the future of my children in Your hands so I can exhale.


  1. Yes - SUCH truth thanks for sharing!
    Stopping by from FMF!

  2. Wonderful words of resting in God and knowing He holds us. Found you through FMF

  3. Absolutely! Why do we try to be in control when God is infinitely more capable than we are? But I definitely know the feeling of, as a mom, wanting to protect and make everything right for our children.

  4. it is really only possible to exhale when you know that you are not the one who holds all together. thats something to smile about...walk lighter with
