Friday, March 21, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Joy

YAY! It's Friday! These are the days that I link up with Lisa Jo Baker on her Five Minute Friday writing challenge. 

Today's word is Joy. Here goes:

Joy. I can think of all of the standard cliches when it comes to Joy. Some of them are true: Jesus Others You (JOY) is the way to find Joy in your life. Joy is an inner state, happiness is circumstantial. 

Here's where I find Joy. My daughter, who is growing up into the most amazing little girl. Am I allowed to still call her that? She's not still 'little,' yet she's so far from being grown up. She has such a love for others. We were at church last Sunday, and the worship was geared towards children's church camp. They gave an overview and showed pictures of past years. This little girl of mine, who is generally so timid and shy, looked at me with a sparkle in her eye, and a joyful expression on her face and said, "Momma, I want to go!" She's never stayed with anyone but family for 3 nights...but she wrote in her journal that night that she so desperately wants to go. She wrote that 'it seems like kids really meet Jesus there (well, not face-to-face), but they get to know Him better and I want to get to know Him better.' WOW! This Momma heart was just. about. to. burst. when she allowed me to read her vulnerable words.

My son, who is turning into a young man right before my eyes. When he got home from school yesterday, he mentioned that he had hurt someone's feelings in school. So, I gave it the attention it needed. We discussed it, then I thought we were done. Later, when he came out of the bathroom after his bath and was in his pj's and was at his most open, he was crying. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, 'Momma, I really hurt some people's feelings today.' Then he continued to cry. I held him, I prayed over him, we talked about it, and I consoled his little boy broken heart. I told him that God is so proud of him right now for understanding and realizing that he may have hurt someone. I told him that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are for sure living in his little boy heart, for him to be feeling this way. Again, a bursting Momma heart.

These examples are only two of the many that I could share with you. I have so many words I could share about my children. I have so many emotions that pulse through me on a daily basis. I know my kids are far from perfect; I've witnessed it. But this Momma is surely joy-filled when events such as these occur under my watch. I'm doing something right...maybe not too many things, but I am pointing them to the one true source of Joy in this world: Jesus. And if that's the only thing they learn from me, well, then I have equipped them the best I know how. 

Have a fabulous Friday! Spring is upon us. 


  1. I am your neighbor at Lisa-Jo's place. What a beautiful blessing to have two precious children seeking the heart of the Father. I pray your daughter does get to know the Lord more intimately on her trip and that your tenderhearted son will always be tender for the Lord.

    God bless you!

    1. Hi Beth! Thanks for stopping by, you're welcome here anytime!

  2. "Then he continued to cry. I held him, I prayed over him, we talked about it, and I consoled his little boy broken heart. I told him that God is so proud of him right now for understanding and realizing that he may have hurt someone. I told him that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are for sure living in his little boy heart, for him to be feeling this way. Again, a bursting Momma heart." Been there. Done that. Thankful for these heart felt moments with our oldest son too. We have two boys, and our younger one melts my heart when he takes his turn our nightly thankful prayer..."I'm thankful for God." That. Is. Enough.

  3. Jennifer, yes, that is enough! Thank you so much for sharing! You're welcome to stop by anytime.

  4. Our children are special gifts, aren't they? A long time ago (and yes, I'm definitely showing my age here...) I read the book "Great Lion of God", by Taylor Caldwell - about Paul and his ministry. But it started with how his parents raised him - which started with them saying he wasn't really "theirs", but on loan to them to raise in God. What a thought in my growing-up years! And you are clearly raising yours in God. Well done! Have a wonderful weekend - Janet
