Sunday, July 20, 2014

Perfect Peace

As I was coming into consciousness this morning, this thought was tumbling through my mind: those whose mind is focused on you will be kept in perfect peace.

I knew this was scripture, I just didn't know its 'address.' So, I searched and discovered this is Isaiah 26:3. When I turned to this scripture in my Bible, I found it was already underlined and highlighted, so I must have been here before!

The NIV reads: "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." 

When the Lord brings to my mind a scripture, I have to dissect it to know how it applies to my current situation. Keeping this in mind, here are 4 key definitions according to Webster:

Perfect: complete in all respects; flawless

Peace: serenity, calm, or quiet

Steadfast: firm, fixed, constant

Trust: firm belief in the honesty, reliability, of another; faith

When I looked up this verse in the Message translation, this is what I found: "People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole, steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don't quit."

Completely whole.

Steady on their feet.

Because they keep at it and don't quit.

Ok, so now I have the basis of what the words mean. Now it's time to pull out my commentary. Here's what Matthew Henry has to say about Isaiah 26:3

"All who belong to it {the nation that keeps faith - a reference to verse 2} are safe and at peace and have a security and calmness of mind in the assurance of God's favor. Thou wilt keep him in peace, in perfect peace, inner peace, outer peace, peace with God, peace of conscience, peace in all events. Those who trust in God must have their minds firmly set on him. God will keep in perpetual peace those who do so, and that peace will keep them {Psalm 112:7}."

Inner peace

Outer peace

Peace with God

Peace of conscience

Peace in all events

Did you catch that? He provides perfect peace in all events. Not just some events, not just some times...but all all times.

Ok, so I decided to read on to verse 4: "Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."

Matthew Henry has this to say about verse 4: "Trust in him forever, at all times, when you have nothing else to trust in. Whatever we trust in the world for is restricted to the limits of time. But what we trust in God for will last as long as we will last. For in the Lord Jehovah-Jah, Jehovah, in him who was, is, and is to come {Revelation 1:4}-there is, literally, a "Rock of ages," a firm and lasting foundation for faith to build on, and the house built on that rock will stand secure in a storm {Matthew 7:24-25}."

Based on many events that are currently happening in my life right now, God knew this word, this scripture, would be exactly what I needed. If I keep my mind fixed on Him, He will provide a complete serenity, a flawless calm and quiet that I cannot find anywhere else, in anything else. 

And of course, this all comes full circle to my life verse, Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

I've had to accept that, if I'm going to trust in God and seek His perfect peace, then that also means I have to trust in His timing. And that's not always the easiest thing to do. 

I'm praying for perfect peace for all of you this morning. 

Monday, July 14, 2014


According to, 'heartfelt' can be defined as: "deeply or sincerely felt."

For the first time in a long time {if ever}, I experienced heartfelt listening and understanding recently.

It happened when I was experiencing a particularly low point in the month {let's be real, ladies...we ALL have them!}, there was a full moon, and the enemy was particularly bent on attacking me. All of these factors together created a full-blown storm of insecurity, self-doubt, negative self-talk, and a lack of confidence in who I am and WHOSE I am.

Someone who is very near to my heart and whom I care for a great deal could sense that there was something bothering me. I had been able to suppress it for a few days, but it began to bubble up to the surface like a pot of water ready to boil over.

When they approached me about what was on my mind, I was reticent to share what was truly brewing within. My fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) was that if I expose my innermost vulnerabilities, surely this person will want none of it and vanish...yet one more reason you should never give into fear or assume anything.

This person gently and lovingly drew this information out of me by continuing to ask questions. And not in a threatening manner; but in a manner which communicated to me that they truly cared about what was on my heart and mind. And the kicker? This person had been in an environment for 8-9 hours {or more}, that could be very emotionally, mentally, and physically draining. No, they weren't working! :-)

I am reminded of a quote by Melanie Beattie I once read:
"You don't blast a heart open. You coax and nurture it open, like the sun does to a rose."
This person never got defensive because of anything I said, even though, they could have. They were open and receptive to what I was sharing.

Their non-verbal communication was just as effective, if not more so, than their verbal communication.  They made constant eye contact with me, their posture was not indicative of being uninterested, and the tone of their voice made me feel safe and valued.

This person listened intently, I mean, truly listened and heard what I was saying. I felt honored, respected, cared for, and cherished by the way in which they handled this delicate situation.

See, no one truly enjoys being exposed and vulnerable. And yet, at the end of the conversation, I felt that a gap had been bridged. There we were, on the same side of the fence again. And I felt stronger because of it.

This experience left me...bewildered.

I thought to myself, 'What if...just what if, everyone were to interact with others in this manner? Wouldn't the world be a much nicer place to live?'

See, this person was less concerned with themselves, their feelings, and what they wanted. And they were more concerned with me, my feelings, and what was eating away at me.

Most people are more concerned with being understood than understanding others.

Most people are only listening with the intent to respond; not with the intent to hear what the speaker is actually saying, and what is really on their heart.

I can say that I have walked away from this encounter with a deeper, richer sense of relationship; a better understanding of what it takes to make any relationship work and function better.

My challenge to you is to think on this post...on my remarkable experience...and try to implement this in just one relationship you are currently in. Just one...and tell me if you don't walk away feeling better about yourself and your relationship.

And now, if I can bottle this heartfelt communication and sell it...

Friday, July 11, 2014


It's Friday! We made it through another week! Praises to Him for that...

Each Friday, with a community of other writers, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Want details? You can find those here.

Today we are writing on the word Belong.

Have you ever had one of  'those' days? Where you wonder what you're doing? Why you're doing it? If you belong where you are?

The last 24 hours have been like that for me.

See, last night, I attended my church's Worship Team rehearsal to see what they're like. {At the prompting of my two beautiful children, I'm considering joining - I think I might be crazy.}

At first, I just kind of stood back, a willing observer. Then they invited me onstage. Then they gave me headphones. Stuff just got real, folks!

The entire time, I was thinking to myself, I don't belong here. I don't fit in with these gifted individuals. While I enjoy LOVE to sing, there's a HUGE difference between singing along as the radio drowns you out and singing on front of people...with a microphone.

But see, the truth is, that in some way, we all belong there. We are all to be giving Him praises. Psalm 100:2 says, "Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."

As we left, I told my kids that I was nervous being up there {truth is, my daughter already knew that; she could tell}. And then I told them how I was frustrated with myself for being nervous. Yes, I was testing the waters, but at the same time, I shouldn't have cared about how I sounded. I may not have a voice like Celine Dion, but I can sing...and it's not about singing for the praises of's about giving the praises to Him.

And then there's this blog. I'm not sure I ever would have called myself a 'writer.' But when there is a God-given desire in your heart, you better recognize who it's coming from...and follow it.

Most days, I don't feel like I belong on the interweb...where I post some of my private {and not-so-private} thoughts for all the world to read. But I just keep-on, keepin' on. And I write anyway.

See, the key is that we all have special gifts. We all belong in the family of God - using those gifts.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Random Thoughts

Brace yourself; this post is going to contain some random thoughts. Please bear with me; writing is cheaper than therapy.

Have you ever been just going along your 'normal' day-to-day life and then something comes along your path which causes you to alter your course, your direction, your well-thought out plans?

It could be a positive thing or a negative thing, but then your equilibrium shifts and you're not quite sure how to adapt to the change? You're trying to get your bearings and steady yourself again. Establish a new 'normal'. 

And then you realize that normal is just a setting on the washer. Normal is only an illusion...a ghost...the slippery bar of soap in the bathtub. 

Then...and get a message...a text...a phone call...any communication at all...that reminds you where you are...why you're doing what you're doing...and why you should press spite of the shaky ground you feel you tread upon. 

Someone who has thought enough of you in that moment to share with you their innermost thoughts about you. 

Someone whose opinion you value...someone you respect...someone you look up to...someone you love and you know loves you back. 

And they cause you to remember that your bearings, your equilibrium, your foundation is not in anything worldly that may cross your path...but rather in the King of kings, the Lord of lords, your Savior. Your Prince of Peace.

That you don't need to try to steady your own course. You don't need to try to handle it all on your own. You can't create your own peace or your own rest. 

Jesus is the answer to every question.

And all is right in the world again. The feelings of unrest or unease are melting away. And you can lean into the arms of Jesus and know, really KNOW that you are where you're supposed to be. Normal or not. Balanced or not. 

You know that, no matter what it may look like in the Lower Story, in the Upper Story, God is working everything out for our good. For His glory. And for His kingdom. 

And while you feel that He couldn't possibly use someone like you; that your role is so minuscule, it's almost non-existent. But rest assured, every part is key. The story couldn't go on without you. 

You, and the responsibilities He has given you, can make a difference. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

And His Beauty

i spent some time recently enjoying nature and His beauty...

listening to the birds chirping, watching the sunrise...

i recalled something my Emma said to me recently on a leisurely stroll...she was commenting on how quiet it was on our road at that particular time and she remarked, "momma, think if we were really quiet, we could hear the corn growing?" have the faith and curiosity of a child again...when did we grow up and stop being inquisitive...stop seeking knowledge around every bend?

here are a few shots i recently took

the remnants of 2-week old birthday flowers and the sun blazing its path into my kitchen:

the farmer's crops...growing as they should:

the sun highlighting all that is glorious:

and a backwards reminder that His eye is on the sparrow:

Psalm 19:1 - "the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."

Friday, July 4, 2014


I'm waiting for the other shoe to it seems to always do. Is it okay to exhale?

Is it okay to breathe that deep sigh of relief, not knowing if everything will turn out just as I want it to?

Or am I better served to wait until they're all grown-up and on their own? When they're completely responsible for their own choices...

Is it okay to exhale and leave them in the hands of their Father?

Is it okay to exhale and remember the words emblazoned on my ring from Romans 8:28, "And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Is it okay to exhale and know that He will use their lives, their experiences, their situations for His glory and their good?

Yes, I believe I can exhale. I believe I can breathe deeply, safely tucked in the embrace of knowledge that God makes all things new. He works all things for His glory...

The good, the messy, the ugly, the happy, the sad, even the disappointments. The trials, the tests, the rejoicing testimonies.

It's easy for me now to look back on my life now and see how each and every circumstance led me to a deeper reverence for You. 

Thank You for holding my future and the future of my children in Your hands so I can exhale.