Friday, April 11, 2014

Five Minute Friday - Paint

Happy Friday y'all! We made it through another week! On Fridays I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for her Five Minute Friday writing challenge - write for 5 minutes flat, no second guessing, no going back and changing your words; on a topic given to you. Today the prompt is 'Paint' goes...

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about my daughter painting and how I was simply exasperated when she got the set of brushes in the wasn't because she was intentionally trying to make a mess, it was because she was just so excited at the brushes I had found.

Last week, I wrote about a sunrise - a true gift from God that day. I wrote about how the colors appeared as though the artist had carelessly just streaked his brush across the sky. When we know that THE artist is anything but careless.

I guess what I'm learning from these 'paint' scenarios is that not everything in life is going to be 'perfect.' And besides, who says that what I think is 'perfect' is actually perfect? If I'm not perfect - and I'm not - then how could I have even a remote sense of what perfect is?

When someone sits down to paint, or draw, or be creative and expressive in any way (by the way, I believe writing falls into this category), there is no right or wrong. There is no perfect. There is no black and white. There are only shades of grey, and colors that blend and bleed, and words that may not fit 'just so.'

So, from here on out, I'm going to take a step back and just content for things to be as they are, without worrying that they're not perfect. Because I'm not. So, how could I expect for things (and people) around me to be perfect?


  1. Michelle, This was a great post. Just relaxing and enjoying what is in front of us is a great way to enjoy the journey. I love the name of your blog and the fact you used the word ya'll let me know you are Southern. Me too! :) Have a blessed day!

  2. Such true words. We definitely are not perfect. We try to judge perfect by what the world says is perfect, but certainly the world isn't perfect either. Far from it.

    Thanks for sharing your FMF.
